"Loop it" Re-storing The Male Image

BC Marketing has recently joined efforts with Orena Perry, President of Brazen, Inc. to help with the Marketing efforts of their 2009 Loop It Campaign. "Loop it" is a four week endeavor to assist young men with instructional and hands on information to guide them in their daily life. These participants will focus on their mind, body and soul over the course of this four week campaign. It is our hope that the participants will leave differently than they arrived after each session. There are six components that will aid in the success of this campaign. The campaign will target young from the ages of 8 to 21. The Detroit, Michigan campaign will begin September 12- October 3, 2009 each Saturday morning from 9:30 am to 2:00 pm at the Wayne County Community College District Downtown Campus.


Sign-Up at brazenincorporated@gmail.com with the following information:
Parent's Name
Child's Name
City, State, Zip
Phone Number
Email Address

For more information about Brazen and their efforts you may contact their President directly at: (313)221-4410 or follow this link for more details: http://brazenincorporated.web.officelive.com

9319 Oakland Ave.
Detroit, MI
