3 Ways to Achieve Wellness Goals in 2015
As the end of the year draws near, fitness goals unachieved, cliche' measures may help you get back on the path to wellness. You've heard it all in 2014, high intensity interval training (HIIT), Bikram yoga, Crossfit, Insanity and detox after detox after detox!
What about your walk home from work? Or that broken escalator that forced you to take the stairs? Functional fitness is what I like to call it, and for the year 2015, everyday activities are key to achieving your wellness goals. Purchase a fitness band or a pedometer, and document how your everyday chores put you one step closer to your wellness goals.
Fake it Til' You Make it
You may have given up time and time again, and the beauty of wellness is you can always adjust, so that you're more comfortable.
Here’s a tip: If your routine seems a little tough, reduce the regimen by 75 percent for the first two to four weeks, 50 percent during week four to six and so on. This works great for people easing back into exercise after an injury (it worked for me!) or beginners joining the wellness wagon.
It Ain’t For Everbody
There have been countless times that I’ve shared a meal plan, a fitness routine, an immune boosting smoothie— only to find a friend didn’t take it seriously. I’m guilty of being an “askhole” myself, and my buddies vow to never provide their advice again. However, your spin class, your wheat free diet plan, your daily shake with an egg white omelet works for you, but it may not be the least bit helpful to those you share it with.
Here's a tip: If you've hit a plateau or trying to figure out a safe, effective starting point on your journey to wellness, consider consulting a professional. Fitness companies like Rebel Fit or The Hourglass Workout with Lyzabeth Lopez offer online training programs for your convenience.
Monkey See, Monkey Do
I’m a huge fan ofInstagram because I get a daily dose of fitness and nutrition inspiration...for FREE. I follow trainers, fitness enthusiasts, wellness brands, etc., and I often emulate what I see.
Here's a tip: Search the hashtags #wellness, #fitness, #gym and #nutrition on Instagram (or Twitter or Facebook). Then, follow, bookmark or like what you find there. One click could lead you down a path of gold. Happy hunting, wellness monkeys!
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